3 Dec 2024
The LAA is very pleased to announce that Lucy Wootton has been appointed as the new Head of Continuing Airworthiness and Inspection.
LAA CEO Simon Tilling continues: “We have taken the opportunity to bring together the inspection and airworthiness teams under one leader. Currently Continuing Airworthiness and our nationwide team of Inspectors are interdependent functions, bringing them together allows for closer co-operation and the alignment of objectives and actions. This new, combined team has the overall objective of ensuring and maintaining the safety and airworthiness of the LAA fleet of more than 2,700 aircraft. It’s responsibilities will include:
Airworthiness audits (ACAMs)
Permit to Fly Revalidation Process & PFRCs
Tracking, analysis, and management of airworthiness issues and identification of solutions
Promulgation of continuing airworthiness Information (TADS, Alerts, TSBs, MTDs, Light Aviation Magazine, website)
External Liaison (AAIB, CAA, BGA, BMAA)Â
Support Training, development, and record keeping
Performance management
Contribution to processes and procedures (EPM, Exposition, SPARS, TLs etc)
Lucy joined the LAA in August 2022 as Chief Inspector. She has a first-class Masters degree in Aeronautical Engineering, with Honours, from Loughborough University, having spent five years there, including a year’s placement at Rolls-Royce in Failure Investigation, for which she achieved a Diploma in Industrial Studies. Lucy has also been a British Gliding Association Inspector for more than 10 years, as well as an ARC Signatory. Lucy holds a PPL(A) for both single-engine piston aircraft and touring motor gliders, with a night rating, instrument rating(restricted) and sailplane towing rating. Prior to joining the LAA, Lucy worked as an Aircraft Structural Repair Design Engineer for a major aeronautical engineering organisation. Since joining the LAA as Chief Inspector, Lucy has been instrumental in the continuing development of the LAA Inspectorate, who are recognised for their knowledge and skills and professionalism across the aviation industry."